UDL Associate Credential - Level 1

NOTE: The old version of the UDL Associate Credential - Level 1 credential is now called Credential 1: UDL Mindset. If you are currently registered and "in progress," you can re-register at no charge to continue or complete it. If you used a Promo Code (“registration” code) to register, use the same promo code to register for the updated UDL Credential. If you forgot your promo code, please email us at support@learningdesigned.org to request a new promo code. If you used a credit card, please email us to request a promo code. Although the names of the UDL Credentials have been updated, the rubric criteria for each of the UDL Credentials are the same. Any “offline” work you have done on your in-progress credential can be transferred (copy and pasted) to the newly updated UDL Credential. So you can copy your prior work and use it for a future submission to the updated UDL Credential. The order of the questions may have shifted slightly so pay close attention when copying your prior work over to the new online forms.

Register for the UDL Associate Credential - Level 1 Credential here.