Establishing Purpose: UDL-PLC Series

This first module establishes the purpose and parameters of the UDL-PLC.

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The UDL-PLC series provides you with 15 modules that guide the development of a professional learning community focusing on UDL. 

This first module sets the purpose of the UDL-PLC.  As part of this module, you will review a video on the basic tenets of UDL.  You will reflect on your role and the purpose of the UDL-PLC and share your thoughts with your PLC colleagues.

Each of the UDL-PLC modules has 2 segments:

1. Learn

2. Discuss

While UDL-PLC modules can be viewed in the order of your choosing, be sure to view the following module, which serves as an introduction to the series. 

Introduction To Developing A PLC: UDL-PLC Module Series




Adapted from HIAT, Montgomery County Maryland Public Schools


Montgomery County Maryland Public Schools

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Professional Development

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Posted date:

July 21, 2020

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Document Title:

UDL-PLC Module Series: Setting the purpose of the UDL PLC

Document Summary:

The UDL-PLC series provides you with 15 modules that guide the development of a professional learning community focusing on UDL. 

This first module sets the purpose of the UDL-PLC.  As part of this module, you will review a video on the basic tenets of UDL.  You will reflect on your role and the purpose of the UDL-PLC and share your thoughts with your PLC colleagues.

Each of the UDL-PLC modules has 2 segments:

1. Learn

2. Discuss

While UDL-PLC modules can be viewed in the order of your choosing, be sure to view the following module, which serves as an introduction to the series. 

Introduction To Developing A PLC: UDL-PLC Module Series



The “LEARN” section of each module provides you with resources, articles and/or websites that will support the session topics and launch your discussions. Complete the tasks offered (e.g. read articles, view videos, visit websites, etc.) to facilitate your PLCs discussions.

LEARN: For this module, begin by viewing the CAST video:  “UDL at a Glance”



The “DISCUSS” section of each module contains a discussion prompt for each session. In each session, you will be asked to formulate your own response to the prompt and reply to at least one other colleague. You are joining a community of learners who collectively interact, through discussion, to enhance and support the professional performance of each other.


DISCUSS: Reflection and Discussion

Share why you joined this PLC and then share your thoughts on the purpose of the PLC for the coming year.

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