Inclusion Collaborative YouTube Channel

This resource links to the YouTube channel for The Inclusion Collaborative of Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE). The Inclusion Collaborative of SCCOE promotes a culture that values all children by strengthening, sustaining, and ensuring inclusive practices.

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The Inclusion Collaborative of SCCOE promotes a culture that values all children by strengthening, sustaining, and ensuring inclusive practices. We believe every individual regardless of abilities and disabilities has the right to full access to quality inclusive learning and community environments.


Santa Clara County Office of Education

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Posted date:

October 24, 2018

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Inclusion Collaborative YouTube Channel

This resource links to the YouTube channel for The Inclusion Collaborative of Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE). The Inclusion Collaborative of SCCOE promotes a culture that values all children by strengthening, sustaining, and ensuring inclusive practices.

Average: 5 (1 vote)


The Inclusion Collaborative of SCCOE promotes a culture that values all children by strengthening, sustaining, and ensuring inclusive practices. We believe every individual regardless of abilities and disabilities has the right to full access to quality inclusive learning and community environments.


Santa Clara County Office of Education

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Professional Development

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Posted date:

October 24, 2018

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SET-BC Module 6 – Extend

In the final module of this course, you will learn how other current educational frameworks or strategies complement or support Universal Design for Learning.

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In the final module of this course, you will learn how other current educational frameworks or strategies complement or support Universal Design for Learning. This module offers an opportunity to learn more about educational frameworks such as 21st Century Learning, Response to Intervention (RTI), and Differentiated Instruction (DI). In the Strategies Gallery, you can explore teaching approaches and practical teaching methods that are a good fit with UDL.

SET-BC (Special Education Technology – British Columbia)

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Interactive module

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Posted date:

May 16, 2019

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SET-BC Module 4 – Guidelines

The UDL core principles, multiple means of engagement, representation and expression, are the cornerstones of UDL. In this module, you will learn how to apply these guidelines during the design of lessons, materials and instruction.

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The UDL core principles, multiple means of engagement, representation and expression, are the cornerstones of UDL. In this module, you will learn how to apply these guidelines during the design of lessons, materials and instruction. You will discover that many classroom strategies you already use are compatible with UDL, and you will add new strategies to your UDL toolkit. Some of these strategies will require the use of technology and others will not. You don’t need to embrace technology to begin applying the UDL Guidelines.

Each core principle is divided into 3 guidelines and each guideline is further divided into checkpoints.Collectively, these are known as the UDL Guidelines. Please print a copy of the UDL: Theory and Practice version of the Guidelines (2014)(link is external) from the National Center on Universal Design for Learning(link is external) to use while exploring this module. In the UDL 2.0 version of the UDL Guidelines (2008), the core principles appeared in a different order: Representation, Expression and Engagement. Both versions are currently in use.

SET-BC (Special Education Technology – British Columbia)

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Posted date:

September 27, 2019

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