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Navigating the Learning at Home

This tool has been developed as part of the Inclusive School Communities Project in Australia, funded by the National Disability Insurance Agency. It is written for parents/caregivers to navigate and support their children’s learning at home.

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This tool is written for parents/caregivers to navigate and support their children’s learning at home. It was written in response to the shift to learning-at-home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic although the strategies are just as relevant now that most students in Australia have returned to school. The tool recognises the challenges and frustrations parents/caregivers and their children may face in making sense of the learning that has been sent home. This tool is also relevant to educators planning work during the COVID-19 pandemic or another situation that requires a student to be learning-at-home (e.g., recovering from surgery).

Sarah Humphreys


Inclusive Schools Australia

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Posted date:

August 4, 2020

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Navigating the Learning at Home

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